About This Game GAMEPLAY DESCRIPTIONRustbucket Rumble is a side-scrolling, team-based, arena combat game. Players choose from 6 distinct robot characters of varying personality, ability, and weaponry, forming two teams of 3 robots. Players must work with their teammates to attack enemy robots until they are turned into bins of scrap, then transport the bins back to their base as scraps for recycling. It’s capture-the-flag where the players are the flags!Once a team has collected enough scraps, they can create the mighty giant robot, El Rey Gigante Robo Jr., and unleash him to destroy the enemy base and win!THE STORYAfter years of making a mess of things, mankind has finally given up and left Earth to find a new planet to trash.Left behind were the machines that once dutifully served their human masters. Among these were the robots of arch-rival companies Robotic Engineering Depot (RED) and Blucom Discarded Plastics and Metals. With nothing else to do, these now-leaderless robots escalated their competition into fierce combat.Both sides are now desperately collecting materials to create a giant robot powerful enough to destroy the other. The RUSTBUCKET RUMBLE has begun!ROBOT CLASSESClancyGrunt Model CLN-C has probably taken one too many hits, bullets, and rockets to the head, but he never gives up. Always helpful, Clancy is quick to heal teammates or provide cover fire from his automatic rifle. He doesn’t have any fancy gadgets to carry scraps, because he doesn’t need them. All Clancy needs to retrieve scraps is just some good old fashion determination and his metal robot arms.DaisyEngineer Model QT-3.14 has a cute and cheerful appearance, but make no mistake — Daisy is a technician of pain and punishment. Small in stature, she commands a powerful mech suit to help her build sentry turrets and carry drones. And she’s happy to get into the fray with her roller bomb launcher.KasumiNinja Model KA5-M13 was originally built for non-combat purposes. After the humans left, she finally got to pursue her dream of being a ninja assassin, but with a modern twist. Holograms, smoke bombs, and a cyber sword help her quickly dismantle enemies before they even know what happened.BjornBrute Model HPM4X has an imposing stature and makes the most of it. Running head first into danger, he uses his powerful flamethrower to decimate enemies. His energy shield keeps him alive even in the worst conditions, and he’s so strong that he can easily toss scraps to his teammates.ValentinaSniper Model H0RN3T is as calm as she is deadly. Cold and calculating, she finds that the best place to position herself during combat is just out of sight from her foes. After dropping an enemy, she uses her extending grabber claw to retrieve scraps from afar. Even if her opponents do get the jump on her, she never loses her cool and uses stun grenades and a short range rapid-fire pistol to hold them off.MaverickBombardier Model DNGR-Z0N is a show-off. Thinking his jetpack puts him above the competition, he’s developed a cocky, prideful demeanor. His jetpack allows him to maneuver in and out of combat with ease and perform bombing runs. If he’s not careful, then Maverick may find himself in dangerous situations. But little do his foes know, that’s right where he wants to be. The danger zone. And when it seems like Maverick has bitten off more than he can chew; he uses his trusty rocket launcher to help even the odds. He can fly, get a burst of speed, and drop a number of bombs to the unfortunate robots below. 7aa9394dea Title: Rustbucket RumbleGenre: Action, Casual, Free to Play, IndieDeveloper:Reactor ZeroPublisher:Scrap Yard Productions, LLCRelease Date: 4 May, 2015 Rustbucket Rumble Activation Fix rustbucket rumble. rustbucket rumble Pros:- Free! And the free characters (especially Daisy) are completely viable right out of the box. - A perfect combination of strategy\/twitch-action skill based combat, especially if you have a controller.- Visually pleasing art style- You're rewarded for spending the $9.99. The four extra characters are a blast to play and not terribly overpowered. (Though Maverick, the sniper, can be incredibly broken if the other team isn't smart)Cons:- No dedicated server so if whoever is chosen as host leaves then the match results in a disconnect (and subsequently counts as a loss on the leaderboard! This needs fixed!!!!)- When a player leaves, creating a 3v2 imbalance, there's is no AI to substitute for the missing player. Matches can be quite steam-rolly if a player leaves.- I have only seen the super robot die once in over four hours of play. It seems the only viable way to stop a super robot is by turret trapping it in the middle of the map. Overall this game is an absolute blast and I don't regret spending $10 to support a great idea. There are bound to be balance issues though once enough players are able to play as Maverick and Valentina. Also, was the super robot intended to be so hard to take down? Especially with how easy it is to heal the super robot? Matches are literally a race to 15 scraps and that's it. Look forward to playing you all in-game!. Pros:-This game is fun as hell.-The art style is fitting and in my opinion enjoyable.-The classes despite some TF2 inspiration are mostly unique in their own right and have very strategic uses.-There is a unique death system where enemies have to drag your carcass back to their base and throw you into a scrapping machine before you can respawn (and run off) in order to gain points. This makes the mechanics surrounding death and gaining points more interesting than just about any other shooter. (As well as leading to some comical situations.) I wish more games would be inspired by this mechanic. -There is no mouse use and the shooting functions much more like a classic shooter, which is a nice change and controls well. Cons:-Holy \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 This game has the worst netcode of anything I have ever played. This game should have released in early access because its netcode is beyond broken. 99% of games will lead to nonsensical disconnects in matchmaking and custom games, the 1% of games that do work will generally lead to either everyone jumping around the map due to lag or the enemy team will quit when you are beating them. -There are no options to party up with your friends in matchmaking. You can only play with friends in custom games which will never work, and you will barely see any listings. The matchmaking is automated trial and error and at least succeeds some of the time. So in short if you do download this, expect to play by yourself.-There is no chat box anywhere. In lobbies to determine if a host is AFK and promptly yell at him for being the host of the one game you could actually connect to, or in game to co-ordinate strategies with your team. -You cannot invite people to games in progress. While this in a way is a good thing it means players wont fill places when someone rage quits, or if you enter a rarely functional custom game and someone starts the moment they see another player join the other team then too late! You're stuck playing by yourself without the friends\/anyone you planned to play with. In Conclusion:Extremely fun when it works with massive potential, but whoever is behind the netcode deserves to be shot. This game was not ready for full release and they have probably killed their long term player base by releasing the game fully with the multiplayer in a multiplayer only game in such a downright unacceptable disgusting state. If the developer has the competence to actually fix this I would highly recommend playing the game as it can be brilliant, but so far (10\/05\/2015) the only developer responses regarding this issue have blankly said "we're working on it" with absolutely no eta on when the issue will be fixed with zero public announcements regarding the issue. TL;DR: Multiplayer is \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ed and rarely works, nobody knows if it will ever be fixed, otherwise really fun game, check it out if the multiplayer gets fixed.. resonably fun game, but no to reccomendation because there are so many things you could tweak with it. \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Just\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665... Pros:- Free! And the free characters (especially Daisy) are completely viable right out of the box. - A perfect combination of strategy\/twitch-action skill based combat, especially if you have a controller.- Visually pleasing art style- You're rewarded for spending the $9.99. The four extra characters are a blast to play and not terribly overpowered. (Though Maverick, the sniper, can be incredibly broken if the other team isn't smart)Cons:- No dedicated server so if whoever is chosen as host leaves then the match results in a disconnect (and subsequently counts as a loss on the leaderboard! This needs fixed!!!!)- When a player leaves, creating a 3v2 imbalance, there's is no AI to substitute for the missing player. Matches can be quite steam-rolly if a player leaves.- I have only seen the super robot die once in over four hours of play. It seems the only viable way to stop a super robot is by turret trapping it in the middle of the map. Overall this game is an absolute blast and I don't regret spending $10 to support a great idea. There are bound to be balance issues though once enough players are able to play as Maverick and Valentina. Also, was the super robot intended to be so hard to take down? Especially with how easy it is to heal the super robot? Matches are literally a race to 15 scraps and that's it. Look forward to playing you all in-game!. Fun for a while..
Rustbucket Rumble Activation Fix
Updated: Mar 11, 2020