f40e7c8ce2 The ice is melting, the climate is changing, the balance of power is starting to shift. The future holds great uncertainty. 8: METAMORPHOSIS is .... Nicole Beutler Projects receives structural funding by the Performing Arts Fund NL and by the city of Amsterdam. ARTISTIC DIRECTION Nicole Beutler.. This year, Nicole Beutler Projects celebrates it's ten year anniversary. In honor of this anniversary year we are creating a retrospective book. Ten years of visual .... Choreographer and theatre maker Nicole Beutler (Munich, 1969) lives and works in Amsterdam. After studies of Fine Arts at Münster and München Arts.... 20 en 21 mei 2019 nieuwe Luxor - Rotterdam Voorstelling in het kader van de Operadagen Rotterdam 2019 ...
Nicole Beutler Nudegolkes
Updated: Mar 11, 2020