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Evolution Planet: Gold Edition Download Xbox 360 Free


Updated: Mar 11, 2020

About This Game Evolution Planet: Gold Edition is a tactical puzzle game about adaptation and survival.Strategic fun!Combine creatures in groups of three so they turn into a single stronger creature. Discover new transformations while you face the dark side of evolution in battles that will put all your strategic skills to the test.Easy to play, hard to master.Evolution Planet Gold is a twist of the usual match-3-games. It is more tactics-focused, fairer and more challenging for the player. In Evolution Planet Gold you cannot just move without having a clear idea of where you are going. Planning ahead and being able to respond to any given set of circumstances are crucial.More than meets the eye...It features two game modes, each of which takes advantage of the game mechanics in its own way. The objective on the Campaign mode is to make your way along the map overcoming the challenges on each level, unlocking new islands and bonus levels, and fighting battles against final bosses." The Survival mode is a potentially infinite game level with an unlimited number of creatures, where the most important thing is strategic freedom when it comes to facing the hordes of mutant enemies.A fun, casual strategic adventure puzzle experience for all ages:Pure fun for everyone. You will love Evolution Planet, your sister will, your dad will beg you to let him play, your grandma will beat your Survival mode highscore, your kids will prepare your breakfast if you let them play...Stunning audiovisuals with beautiful animations, settings, atmospheric effects and a delightful soundtrack adapted to each situation.Two different game modes: Campaign, with more than 90 levels on 6 islands, and Survival, with endless gameplay.Each level offers a different challenge: evolve, eliminate enemies, set your allies free, defeat final bosses, play against the clock…Special items and power ups such as the DNA and the meteorites let you use alternative strategies to overcome the challenges.Evolution Planet: Gold Edition is available as a one-time upfront payment game and it does not have in-game purchases, ads, or any other type of freemium-like components. 7aa9394dea Title: Evolution Planet: Gold EditionGenre: CasualDeveloper:Play WirelessPublisher:Play WirelessRelease Date: 7 Jul, 2016 Evolution Planet: Gold Edition Download Xbox 360 Free evolution planet gold edition. evolution planet gold edition apk TL;DR - Evolution Planet is an inferior clone of Triple Town, with a vastly larger and oxymoronic emphasis on random elements and pre-designed levels. Several levels in the game cannot reasonably be completed without purchasing creatures, likely a holdover from pay-to-win mobile game elements.I'll be blunt - in every instance where the developer experimented with the game design instead of merely copying Triple Town, they failed. Enemy creatures that destroy yours (or in later levels, infect and convert yours), an AI that places creatures on your behalf and slaps down multiple creatures per turn, and 84 levels with their own sets of goals and score targets - all of these interfere with each other or with the core gameplay.When the RNG decides to place multiple creatures at several critical points on the grid that completely wreck your plans, it's not fun. Doubly so when they're high-level creatures that destroy or convert your own creatures and reverse the past 20 moves of progress. That same RNG decides whether you can actually complete a level, which makes you wonder - why even have designed levels? Though, even "designed" is debateable. Several levels in the game - particularly later boss levels - cannot be reasonably completed without spending gems to purchase creatures. Getting a triple star rating in some levels is also dependent on multiplier squares randomly appearing in the right places as well.It should also be noted that getting a triple star rating on every level in the game gets you nothing, not even a text blurb of congrats. There is no point to completion. There is also no point to getting a high score in survival mode, as the top two scores are clearly hacked. Even at the end of my 3rd place run with a score of a quarter million points, there was such an incredible deluge of enemy creatures placed every other turn that it would be impossible for anyone to survive 4 times (2nd place) or 16 times (1st place) as long.I don't recommend this game. I felt annoyed and cheated during most of my playtime, and for a puzzle game, the developers sure tried their best to eliminate strategy and planning.. For more puzzle game reviews, news and everything puzzle-related, follow Puzzle Lovers and check out our Steam group.evolution planet would be a decent game of 'match 3 things to create another thing', like triple town and such, cute graphics, not annoying music, but it's a lazy mobile port that lacks basic audio and video options, the latter of which can be remedied by editing the windows registry or running the game while holding 'alt' (this never works for me), but hey, we have battery saving on pc, neat!there are two reasons I can't recommend the game, one of which is the gem shop. you need gems for everything, moving or buying extra units, even using the undo function, which costs 10 pieces. moving units starts at 1 but moving a tier 4 unit (dino) is 100 gems. you can replay levels to get more but each only has a limited number (10-30) and you usually can't get them all in a single try. there are also gem gathering levels but those can't be replayed, plus endless mode, which is still extremely slow for gem farming.granted, using them is optional, or it should be, and I tried not to move units too much or use undo too often and only bought a few creatures\/items towards the end, after 600 failed attempts, but I'm pretty sure 3-starring some levels is impossible without gems. if they adjusted gem costs, undo for 1 or even free, moving units also drastically reduced, etc. or at least made gem levels replayable, it'd be a 'buy on sale because it's kinda fun' recommendation, but as it is, don't bother, level completion is often dependent on using gems.and even more so on pure luck, which is the second thing I dislike about the game. units randomly appearing on levels can ruin everything at the last minute - or after two moves. it can take many (many!) tries just to finish a level and move on, which is really frustrating because it's not your fault. you can use gems to cheat, but sometimes even that won't help. some levels towards the end are beyond ridiculous, then after many attempts you suddenly pass with flying colors.bottom line, I can't recommend the game, just stay away until the developer gets rid of mobile shenanigans and look for other match-3 titles in the meantime.. Evolution Planet: Gold Edition - Win 10 64bit - no problemsAnother "pocket picker" - like Fallout Shelter, it's designed to drive you to purchase something to complete levels. It's a little clumsier than Fallout Shelter in it's approach. But both use "pusher" tactics whereby the player is given aids, at first. [gems in the case of Evolution Planet; Nuka Cola in Fallout Shelter] They learn to play the game, depending on aids to complete. Suddenly, the difficulty spikes and one cannot continue without additional aid. The first few levels play like a tutorial written for 3rd graders. It continues to hold the player's hand through the intermediate levels, as if written for a child player. Wham! Level 15. You must complete this level or you cannot continue. The game claims 2 styles of play; Campaign and Survival, but Survival is locked away behind level 15. Where the difficulty to this point has been at a child's level, level 15 requires the strategies of a chess champion. Even then, the random placement of enemies will destroy any strategy. Everything about this level is intended to thwart you so you'll be forced to buy gems to complete it and have access to the other half of the game. If you can get it in a bundle or pay .49 cents, it's good for about 4 hours entertainment for an adult and a child together.Edit: I had to add this analogy. Evolution Planet is like driving onto a toll road. The road is smooth and wide; not much traffic. You're going along pretty good and suddenly have to choose between a toll booth or an exit. Either you pay the toll to continue or your trip is finished.. Fun twist to the typical Match 3, like Bejeweled. Definitely worth every penny. I like how each level has a different objective too. Graphic design may be "young" for some, but I think it's nice to find a game that can be played and enjoyed by any age. Little bit Match 3 + little bit Adventure + little bit puzzle = hours of bliss! (least, in my opinion!)My only niggle is lack of a "best score" log. For example, I played level 5 twice. Score of first try was 30 points higher than my second try. I only know due to taking screenshots as I played. I think might have been nice to have my current score after second try, and "best score" shown from my first try. However, I can see a reason not to include. As a casual game, some may wish to simply play & replay, without the "pressure" of beating a certain score. Among children, leaving said best score out could encourage them to simply enjoy the game, rather than turn yet another game into a competition. All in all, I think this game's creator did a wonderful job in making something different, yet fun. Something not only playable, but replayable as well.. This game could be good for a phone but not for a PC.. A cute, casual Match 3 puzzle game with a puzzle mode and you get a survival mode after you complete the first map. It's very enjoyable, but it needs a window mode with resolution options. Alt+enter isn't enough.And for those who've played it, it's similar to Triple Town tactically.. Nice game for the price, had fun on my laptop!. For more puzzle game reviews, news and everything puzzle-related, follow Puzzle Lovers and check out our Steam group.evolution planet would be a decent game of 'match 3 things to create another thing', like triple town and such, cute graphics, not annoying music, but it's a lazy mobile port that lacks basic audio and video options, the latter of which can be remedied by editing the windows registry or running the game while holding 'alt' (this never works for me), but hey, we have battery saving on pc, neat!there are two reasons I can't recommend the game, one of which is the gem shop. you need gems for everything, moving or buying extra units, even using the undo function, which costs 10 pieces. moving units starts at 1 but moving a tier 4 unit (dino) is 100 gems. you can replay levels to get more but each only has a limited number (10-30) and you usually can't get them all in a single try. there are also gem gathering levels but those can't be replayed, plus endless mode, which is still extremely slow for gem farming.granted, using them is optional, or it should be, and I tried not to move units too much or use undo too often and only bought a few creatures\/items towards the end, after 600 failed attempts, but I'm pretty sure 3-starring some levels is impossible without gems. if they adjusted gem costs, undo for 1 or even free, moving units also drastically reduced, etc. or at least made gem levels replayable, it'd be a 'buy on sale because it's kinda fun' recommendation, but as it is, don't bother, level completion is often dependent on using gems.and even more so on pure luck, which is the second thing I dislike about the game. units randomly appearing on levels can ruin everything at the last minute - or after two moves. it can take many (many!) tries just to finish a level and move on, which is really frustrating because it's not your fault. you can use gems to cheat, but sometimes even that won't help. some levels towards the end are beyond ridiculous, then after many attempts you suddenly pass with flying colors.bottom line, I can't recommend the game, just stay away until the developer gets rid of mobile shenanigans and look for other match-3 titles in the meantime.. A very typical (and cute) match 3 game with a couple of extras that are supposed to make it stand out from the rest. It gets boring real fast, though. Played it for 3.5h the day I bought it, and probably not going back to it ever again.


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